Bismarck: Germany’s Greatest Battleship Surrenders Her Secrets (Haynes H4467)


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Bismarck: Germany’s Greatest Battleship Surrenders Her Secrets

‘Titanic Team finds Bismarck!’ ran the headlines on 14 June 1989, announcing Robert Ballard’s discovery of Hitler’s greatest battleship. He and his team photographed the Bismarck sitting proudly upright three miles below the surface of the Atlantic off the coast of France. Ballard recreates the unforgettable story of the war’s greatest sea chase, which resulted in the Royal Navy sinking the Bismarck, and gives a dramatic first-person account of his hi-tech hunt for the Bismarck that culminated in its thrilling rediscovery – 48 years after it was sent to the bottom.

Book Number: Haynes H4467

ISBN: 9781844256679

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