Cancer Any Age, Any Time
With the exception of cancer of the breast, thyroid and melanoma, all cancers are commoner in men than in women. Cancer of the bladder is nearly four times as common in men; lung cancer is three and a half times as common; stomach cancer is two and a half times as common; mouth, gullet and kidney cancers are twice as common; and colorectal, pancreas, brain, lymph and various other cancers are one and a half times as common. Being a man could seriously damage your health unless we recognise the risks. The good news is that although about one man in three will develop a cancer at some time in his life, the most common forms are almost entirely preventable through attention to lifestyle or treatable through early diagnosis. This manual, published in co-operation with the Men’s Health Forum, gives expert advice on all aspects of prevention and treatment in the unique Haynes style. For each copy sold 50p will be donated to the Men’s Health Forum.
Haynes: Haynes 4158
ISBN: 9781844251582