Chassis Electronics and Power Accessories 1987 – 1989 (Chilton 7838)


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Chassis Electronics and Power Accessories 1987 – 1989

This manual simplifies the diagnosis and repair of malfunctions in the major chassis electronic subsystems of 1987-89 Import Cars, Import Cars and light Trucks.

Hundreds of line drawings, photographs and specification charts aid in correcting the problem as easily and quickly as possible. There’s complete and accurate information on each of the following eight subjects:

1. Component Locator


–AMC / Jeep
–Chrysler Corporation
–Ford Motor Company

–Import Vehicles

–Acura / Sterling
–Chrysler Imports

2. Basic Electricity

–Fundamentals of Electricity
–Units of Electrical Measurement
–Electrical Circuits
–Magnetism and Electromagnets
–Basic Solid State Electronics
–Microprocessors, Computers & Logic Systems

3. Diagnostic Equipment & Special Tools

–Diagnostic Equipment & Special Tools
–Safety Precautions
–Test Equipment
–Jumper Wires
–Test Lights
–Special Test Equipment
–Wiring Diagrams
–Wiring Repairs
–Mechanical Test Equipment

4. Electronic Displays & Instrumentation

–Instrument Display Methods
–AMC / Jeep Eagle
–Chrysler Corporation
–Ford Motor Company
–General Motor Corporation

5. Electronic Chassis Controls Anti-Lock Brakes

–Chrysler Corporation
–Ford Motor Company
–General Motor Corporation
–Teves System – A, C & H Body
–Teves Syster – E & K Body
–Delco Moraine System – W Body
–Bosch System – Chevrolet Corvette
–Acura / Sterling
–Chrysler / Mitsubishi

6. Cruise Control Systems

–AMC / Jeep
–Chrysler Corporation
–Ford Motor Company
–General Motor Corporation
–Acura / Sterling

7. Power Accessories

–Power Seats
–Power Windows
–Power Door Locks
–Power Mirrors
–Power Antennas

8. Convenience Options

–AMC / Jeep
–Chrysler Corporation
–Ford Motor Company
–General Motor Corporation
–Chrysler Imports

Book Number: Chilton 7838

ISBN: 9780801978388

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