750-S 748cc 1974
750-S3 748cc 75 – 76
850 Le Mans 844cc 76 – 78
850-T 844cc 74 – 76
850-T3 844cc 75 – 78
V-1000 Convert 949cc 75 – 78
The aim of this manual is to help you get the best value from your motorcycle. It can do so in several ways. It can help you decide what work must be done, even if you choose to have it done by a dealer; it provides information and procedures for routine maintenance and servicing; and it offers diagnostic and repair procedures to follow when trouble occurs. We hope you use the manual to tackle the work yourself. For many simpler jobs, doing it yourself may be quicker than arranging an appointment to get the motorcycle into a dealer and making the trips to leave it and pick it up. More importantly, a lot of money can be saved by avoiding the expense the shop must pass on to you to cover its labour and overhead costs. At Haynes, we have an extensive range of Moto Guzzi repair manuals and online maintenance procedures available for professional mechanics and DIY car enthusiasts. Our Moto Guzzi 750, 850 and 1000 V twin repair manual makes the ideal companion when you’re undertaking maintenance or repairs on your motorcycle.